Saturday, April 13, 2013

Christian Counseling -- Biblical Counseling: What's The Difference?

    I get phone calls every once in a while from folks asking if I do counseling. I do. I have done biblical counseling for over 30 years. 

    The next question is: What's the difference? Is there a difference? The American Association of Christian Counselors doesn't think so. Most of those doing what they call 'Christian Counseling,' don't think so. 

    I usually answer the question in the simplest way, since most folks don't understand the issues: "If you are being charged for the counseling, it's not biblical!"

    That's a Game-Stopper! The Point? If you're counseling from the Bible, how is it you can charge folks for that instruction? If we should, I want to charge folks on Sunday morning! I think the one's who pay would be more likely to listen and learn, than those who simply come out of habit....don't you?

    I mention this because of the issue at Liberty University [it's in the list (below) for this Sunday Night's Show]. Liberty University opted, at their inception, to embrace what is called 'integration,' where counseling is concerned. Noted psychologists like James Dobson, Gary Collins, Lawrence Crabb, Minerth & Meir, and a host of others have taken secular psychological theory and found biblical words, phrases and concepts that support those principles and declared: All Truth Is God's Truth!

   With this one declaration they have suborned God's Word to mans' opinion, in an area which is of critical importance. The biblical counselor does not start where the secularist starts, does not go where the secularist goes, does not point where the secularist is pointing, does not use the techniques the secularist uses and is not looking for the same result as the secularist.

    I remember reading about a court case [late 1970's] where an unsaved, Jewish woman, was sitting in judgment over the California case of a young man who committed suicide, while having been to Grace Community Church [Jn. MacArthur] for counseling.

   After having heard testimony from secular psychologists and from Pastor John re: counseling philosophy and technique, she declared: If what you men are saying is what you believe, these two systems are not even friends! They are enemies of one another.

   How is it an unregenerate person understands and well-trained Christians can't? Perhaps she was listening for differences [that's her job - she was The Judge] and the Christians weren't. Why else would they seek training in secular philosophy, when they have in their Bibles all anyone needs for "life and peace," through the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ?  God says so!

   What IS the difference between what a trained 'therapist' does and what a pastor [or others] do in dealing with the same issues?

   We're going to be talking about these issues this Sunday Night on The Bible Forum. You can listen, over the internet, at -- or you can watch / listen from this website -- or from our Facebook Page.

   We'll be talking about it during the 9:00 hour.

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