Saturday, November 23, 2013

When Someone Makes Your Point It's Not Always Fun

Are You Keeping Up?

   Last Sunday night, on The Bible Forum, we talked about Mark Driscoll's new book ["A Call To Resurgence"] bemoaning the dominance of post-modern thinking ravaging the country, and the world.

  My Thesis was/is: Mark Driscoll [the so-called 'Cussing Preacher"] is The Poster Boy for post-modernism in The Church! He has thrown out biblical authority and a lot of moral authority in his effort to be 'relevant.'

  If you want to hear how I develop that concept, go to the website  [ ] and click the video image to access the Archives. Last weeks' show is there.

  NOW….it seems, Driscoll was interviewed on the Janet Mefferd Show. If you don't get that in your area, go to her website  [ ].  You will be educated, entertained and edified….biblically.

  Anyway….The interview is about his new book. Janet pointed out that he had copied extensively from Dr. Peter Jones' work. Driscoll was surprised and said he had interviewed Dr. Jones but had not taken notes.

  Mefferd pressed the issue as unethical [immoral] and the conversation got tense. It's fair to note Mefferd's background is in journalism.

  Whether she was right to press her point or Driscoll was justified in being peeved at her efforts is secondary to my point: To copy another man's work and then pass it off as "Oh, if I did that I'm sorry," is a classic Post-Modern Response!

  In another time; with another generation, this would have elicited a far greater sense of either outrage OR repentance, even among non-Christians. Tyndale House knows better than to do this, so it seems reasonable that Tyndale would have questioned Driscoll extensively before publishing the book.

  My Point last Sunday [Nov. 17] was that Driscoll IS post-modern! This interview and his response proves my point.

  What do you think?