Friday, December 10, 2010

What Do You Know...And What Difference Does It Make?

It is said that young people know everything and get dumber as they age. By the time they are 50 years of age, they know far less than they did at 20.

But, how do you know what you know? You aren't born with knowledge of anything! That means everything you know, you've learned...somehow. Does that mean our understanding of life is the sum-total of all we've learned or been exposed to? As they say in Minnesota: You Betcha!

Politicians are solidly behind the idea that lower taxes mean more production and wealth --- or is it higher taxes mean greater opportunity to extend possibilities and thereby expand wealth for everyone?

It can't be both! But people line up on one side or the other, often with strident opinions which are expressed in absolute terms!

What makes for these differences? The simple answer is: exposure to information and circumstances. It's education, experience and conditioning. For some, it's opportunism, but that's another discussion.

Underneath, however, it's really spiritual. We call it our 'Worldview' and all worldviews are rooted in religious beliefs.

Dr. Al Mohler [] reminds us of what Carl F. Henry wrote: "Divine revelation is the source of all truth, the truth of Christianity included; reason is the instrument for recognizing it; Scripture is its verifying principle; logical consistency is a negative test for truth and coherence a subordinate test. The task of Christian Theology is to exhibit the content of biblical revelation as an orderly whole."

Heard any biblical content, recently? I mean, by that, any preaching which featured divine revelation, offered in a Theological context, connected to the flow of biblical revelation.

The truth is, most of what we hear from the Big Name Preachers is fluff! Fundamentalists want everyone to be saved. Evangelicals want everyone to have the tools for living a better life. Charismatics want everyone to feel good and be wealthy. Liberals want to feed the world and save the dolphins. And the Contemporary crowd just wants everyone to feel good!

Sprinkled in among all of this are occultic techniques, Eastern meditation and the power of positive thinking (or confession).

The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, however, thrives on the knowledge of God: His holiness, mercy, justice, grace and love. The Bible is a Treasure Trove of significant and practical doctrinal instruction. It is the knowledge of God that informs the rest of our life.

Telling us how to relate to our mates or raise our children or overcome fears may serve a practical purpose, but without the doctrinal foundation all the knowledge you have is one-dimensional. You may have a lot of it, but it's standing alone.

Maybe this is why so many of us don't really have a biblical worldview. Abortion, stem-cell research, homosexual unions, economics, law, politics, education, global warming and a host of lessor issues are held captive to our perspectives.

Remember: Whatever it is that forms your knowledge and understanding, forms the way you perceive life and how you make decisions.

So....what do you know about God?