Thursday, September 2, 2010

Obama & Beck: What's The Difference?

There are probably no two men in America who are perceived to be more radically different from each other than President Obama and Glenn Beck. But that's just on the surface.

Where religion is concerned, and specifically their beliefs about God, Jesus, Salvation, Grace and Heaven, they are two peas in the same proverbial pod! Neither of them hold to the Bible's description / definition of any of these. But that's only scratching the surface.

Obama was born, raised, and educated Moslem. He offers no testimony of ever renouncing his 'faith,' and seems to go out of his way to live up to Moslem tenets. He bows to Islamic Kings but not Christian Queens. He doesn't take his non-Moslem wife to Moslem countries. He covers Christian symbols when delivering speeches. He has been photographed removing his shoes and entering a Mosque for prayer with fellow Moslems. Something no Christian would be permitted to do.

Beck is a Mormon. He claims to be a Christian. But Mormons don't believe Christian doctrine! Mormons believe Christian churches/denominations are 'of the devil.' [Joseph Smith: Book of Mormon] Mormons don't believe in the Jesus of the Bible. Their's 'became' The Messiah at His baptism and attained godhood through obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel [Mormon "Articles of Faith"] Mormons believe water baptism to be the "very gateway into the kingdom of heaven."

What divides these men is their political philosophies and their character. On that score, Glenn Beck is one of the best things that's happened to America is some time. May his tribe increase.

But, Glenn Beck is part and parcel of the Cosmic Humanism [formerly The New Age Movement] that is rapidly taking over religion in America and around the world. Whether it's Oprah or Chopra or Brian McLaren [Emergent Church] or Benny Hinn, or Glenn Beck, the theme is the same: We Shall Be As Gods!

This is all about The Shift! Whether it's Wayne Dwyer's book and now, Movie, or Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, "Grand Elder of the Living Maya," or many other variations of the theme, this "Shift" is from a purely physical orientation to one that is spiritual.

Making this shift means blending with whatever you may call or believe to be God. It may be through Eastern Meditation or Prayer Walking or Incense Burning or the self-hypnosis of Contemporary / Charismatic so-called "worship," or any number of methods.

This is the formulation of the End Times Religious Order! That people can call themselves "Christian" while believing in this sort of thing is what the deception is all about. Those who are swooning or rewarding their physical senses with secular rhythms and discordant beats, through what passes for 'worship' in the Contemporary Church Movement, are simply being prepared for The Shift.

Are you preparing? Or are you paying attention? The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [I Tim. 4:1]

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