Monday, September 21, 2009

Children of The State

Amanda Kurowski is a ten year old girl who is being Home-Schooled by her mother. She is excelling academically, is socially active through extra-curricular activities and the public-school courses she takes to suppliment her education.

But Amanda's parents are divorced and her father is not satisfied. He doesn't believe Amanda is getting a well-rounded education. At odds: The "rigid Christian faith" Amanda is being subjected to.

So, off to court they New Hampshire.

The Court found that "it would be remarkable if a 10-year-old child who spends her school time with her mother and the vast majority of all her other time with her mother would seriously consider adopting any other religious point of view."

So...Amanda is required to enroll in a "Public School."

There, she will be exposed to other children and other worldviews. This exposure will make her a better person and a better citizen. Or will it?

You know how this works. Being sheltered from drugs, profanity, nudity, rebellious attitudes, homosexual activism, sex-education, subjective moral standards, dubious science, racy literature, humanistic philosophies, and a curriculum that can't produce High School graduates who are functionally literate will stunt Amanda's development as a person.

If you believe that, you'll believe 50 million Americans are being denied access to medical care.

The Courts in New Hampshire are now mandating what religious beliefs a child can be exposed to....or which ONE they can't! Who do they think they are? Children do not belong to the State! Or do they?

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