Washington D.C. is NOT the bastion of Normalcy nor Reason. That said, what's up with these people and the Budget? I have to live with the money that comes in, why don't they? What am I missing, here?
Some Christians believe the government [and politics in general] should be left to the secular realm, meaning to the unsaved citizens. Others believe The Church should get involved and seek to change the political climate for God! I think it's somewhere in between.
America is not like any other country in the world. Our government is based on biblical principles of social justice, economics, law and equality. We have never been, nor will we ever be, strictly speaking a Christian Nation. However, we exist in harmony with biblical principles and have generally given lip service to our Christian heritage.
So, should we seek to Christianize America through the ballot box? I say No. But, America is tied to these roots and as long as we have the right to vote, Christians should exercise that right! It is a God-given right.
But, who do we vote for? What do we vote for? It is doubtful anyone gets to be President or even a Key Player in the political process, in the country, without sacrificing their moral values. Political Leaders are generally beholden to those who put them where they are. It does not speak well of their moral compass.
Citizen Christians should be looking for and voting for men and women who represent Christian values. Leaders who tell the truth! Do the Right Things! Value what God values and hate what God hates! That we would find ourselves NOT voting, in most cases, would then be an honor to God, not simply a political statement.
Today, our leaders are struggling with The Budget! What's The Problem? We're borrowing 1/3 of all the money we spend, each year, and only paying on the Interest not the Principal. Is this Right? Moral? Godly? Of course not. No financial advisor would ever recommend such a thing.
The President is nominating a woman to head up the Federal Reserve who believes strongly in this philosophy. It's called Keynesian Economic Philosophy, after a completely immoral British Economist, loved by President F.D.Roosevelt and followed by President Richard Nixon.
Between the two, we were taken completely off the gold / silver standard and left adrift in a system where we simply print more money, should we need it. We are calling it Quantitative Easement, at present, but with every new dollar pumped into the system, the one in your pocket is worth less.
I give you this illustration to highlight our choices. A Christian should vote biblical values. Honesty, Integrity, Responsibility, Morality, Accountability, Decency, etc. No government can satisfy everyone's need. No government should try. Every government should simply create a system where citizens can achieve and let individuals decide if they want to.
Those who cannot, should have a strong Family Structure to help -- something the government should be encouraging, not undermining. Those who cannot should have access to godly Churches who are ready to help -- something churches, today, don't seem to understand. Those who cannot should have help from the government....to be productive, not dependent.
Those who still do not? They get to reap what they've sown. I think that's a Bible Idea! It's called The Law of The Harvest [Gal. 6].
God says efforts to defeat this principle are efforts to mock Him and He isn't having any part of that!
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