Remember when everything was Modern? The Modern Age peaked in the 1920's, but that didn't stop us from calling every new invention or social improvement, Modern.
We stopped that a few years ago. Now, everything is Contemporary. Like modern, if it's contemporary it must be good! At least it's not Old, which is Bad! Contemporary means we're keeping up with the times, not rotting on the proverbial vine.
We've even done this with Church, as though the concept of Church evolves through time, depending on what is popular at the moment.
In the past, various evolutions of 'church' have occurred, not all of them bad. Remember The Reformation? Of course there was that charismatic movement of yesteryear. That wasn't so good. But, it didn't last. It morphed!
We thought folks who believed it necessary to speak in gibberish, to verify that they were actually saved, was nonsense [and it was / is]. These folks infiltrated various churches, spreading their variant doctrine and undermining many. But that pretty much faded away.
It faded away because it was replaced with something New and more exciting: Healings! Now, the concept of spiritual gifts was expanded to include the special ability to touch someone and have them healed. It was wonderful! Or, at least it would have been, had there been such a gift of God.
Healings went the way of tongues, that is it gave way to the Health/Wealth gospel. Now God wants all His children to be healthy and have great wealth! It's in The Atonement, don't you know?
No, I didn't know! But, then all I have is The Bible.
Things kept going, with all sorts of new gifts popping up and more and more preachers and preacher-etts holding forth with ever-increasing New Teachings and New Power from God. An entire Cable TV Channel was dedicated to it. Soon, we got tired of it all.
Or did we?
Today, in churches all across America; country churches, city churches, mainline denominational churches and independent churches, the story is the same: We have our Traditional Service at 11, but our Contemporary Service is at 10!
Meaning? The young people [or the young at heart] like the more jazz-ed up choruses and the swing and sway they engender, as opposed to the old, staid, sorry hymns.
Meaning? The younger set doesn't want to be preached at! They want 'Teachings' on practical subjects they can use everyday. They want non-judgmental teachings. They don't want finger-pointing or negativism. They get enough of that from their parents and on the News.
This is the 21st Century! Things are different, now! That old stuff is no longer relevant!
What "old stuff" are they talking about?
Preaching? But doesn't The Bible tell us that it is by the preaching of the Word of God that people are saved?
Negativism? Isn't The Gospel negative? "You are a sinner, hell-bound, if you don't repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ" sounds negative to me!
Hymns? Aren't they designed to lift our soul to God? To challenge our heart to bow before Him? Don't they exalt the nature and purpose of God? Are they not emotionally stirring....for those who love Him?
Worship? Isn't that the bowing of the heart before God? Isn't that an abject denial of our worldliness and recognition of His worth?
See, I must have it all wrong! Or has someone changed The Bible, when I wasn't looking? Then I saw the Trailer for the new Reality Show on the Bravo Channel: Thicker Than Water. Now I know where I went wrong. These folks are living the life God intended for every believer.
Wealth, Greed, Pride, Selfishness, Pride....have you seen the trailer?
The Point? God doesn't change. His Word doesn't change. Worship of God doesn't change. Sin doesn't change. God still honors preaching, even if no one [popular] is doing it.
I read an article, lately, entitled: Pastor INC. It's about how every pastor, who wants to get somewhere, is doing whatever he must in order to elevate his 'brand.' Pastor as commodity. Big congregation; TV ministry; Internet presence; Book deal; DVD's; Conference Speaker; whatever it takes to 'make it big in the preaching business.'
Now that's Modern!