Saturday, January 19, 2013

Are You Pro-Life?

    Tuesday, January 22 marks the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. In 1973, a majority of Americans favored life over death, for innocent children in the womb, but the U.S. Supreme Court, convinced by the available 'science' that the fetus, in the first 3 months of gestation, was not really a human being, allowed legal abortions up to the first Tri-mester.

    Over the next few years, two other decisions opened abortions up on-demand, for the entire gestation period up to and including the vicious 'Partial Birth Abortion.'

    The fact that abortions were already be done in America, prior to Roe v. Wade somehow escapes some of the finest minds in the country. We are expected to believe women were being subjected to back-alley abortions because our society didn't care about their plight. 

    What we didn't have was abortions on-demand! There needed to be a reasoned, medical reason to terminate a young life. With Roe v. Wade, the door was open and the followers of Baal marched right through!

    "Baal" is the general term, used in The Bible, to identify pagan religious systems of worship and belief. One was the Philistine god: Molech. Molech required the sacrifice of young children. Children consigned to the furnace of Molech for no reason other than to satisfy the selfish desires of his worshippers.

    Like every pagan god, worshippers offered sacrifices to assure some sort of benefit. There were gods of rain or crops or natural disasters or infertility, etc. The offerings satisfied the gods and guaranteed a good crop or safety from some natural disaster or another, if the sacrifice was sufficient.

    We don't see ourselves as pagan, idol worshippers. However, increasingly that's exactly what we've become.   There is no other way to describe it! The mother is not ill. The fetus is viable. The only motivation is personal desire. Carrying this baby full term will work a hardship on the parents, so the baby must die!

    Abortion advocates know, should mothers actually see an abortion being performed they would be horrified! They have sued to stop mothers from having to wait 24 hours, or watch a sonogram, or simply to see the billboard of the small child's hand reaching out of his mother's womb to grasp the doctor's finger as he does surgery to assure the survival of that child.

    Today, 77% if Americans think abortion should be available, in some or all circumstances. This is a 24% increase from 2009. 50% of Americans identify themselves as Pro-Life! Yes, you read that right. Statistically, almost half of those who are Pro-life, believe abortions should be available. 

    Where are you, in this debate? We'd like to believe that folks who have yielded their hearts and lives to God, in Christ; bond-slaves of the Lord Jesus Christ; believers of God's Word, would think differently than those who live for Self!

    The Church has a lot to answer for! I would encourage you to take a hard look at your commitment to God if you believe you can pick and choose which teachings and moral standards you want, based on your desires.

    This Sunday Night [on the Bible Forum] we're going to consider the words of Pontius Pilate: "What is Truth?"  Jn. 18:37   Look at what Jesus said that precipitated that remark. We'll talk about it.

     PS: You can watch the Bible Forum from our Facebook Page  []