Saturday, June 22, 2013


Experts and observers agree: The Middle East is a powder keg about to explode into a major, world-wide conflagration.
The Players line up along biblically prophetic lines: Russia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, all North of Israel, with Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morrocco, Algeria, The Sudan, along with countries in the Arabian Peninsula, arrayed along the South of Israel.
The Middle Eastern countries, in this list, are generally arranged along sectarian, Islamic lines: Shiite [to the North] and Sunni [in the South].
Right now they are jockeying for position. Russia wants a Middle Eastern presence and views Syria their best bet. Iran wants to dominate the area. This is what their nuclear ambition is all about; something that frightens Sunni Saudi Arabia. Egypt wants to dominate the Sinai and Gaza Strip, having complete control over the Suez. All of them want Israel Gone!
The patented tactics of Islam has always been to foment riots in the streets, against the existing government, topple that government and install their own version of Islamic rule. To this end they have managed to tear down stable Moslem leadership and replace it with radical, unstable, Moslem leadership. Our government calls this The Arab Spring.

This is what's happening in Syria, with Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Russia's help.
Iran has just sent several thousand 'Revolutionary Guards' to Syria. Observers indicate they are orienting toward the Golan Heights, where the U.N. Peace Keepers, threatened with kidnapping or worse, are gradually pulling out.

What's brought us to The Brink? The decision by our Government to take sides with the rebels against the Assad regime, in Syria.
In so doing we have aligned ourselves in a religious, sectarian fight with the Sunnis, against the Shii's. We are sending armament and some troops. The troops, thus far, are "observers" to help the rebels learn how to use the armament.
But, we're also sending several thousand troops to Jordan, for a Training Exercise. When we leave, we will leave behind a dozen or so F-16 fighter jets and untold other materiel.
All this serves to entangle us in this Regional conflict. When it explodes: Hezbollah decides to attack the Golan Heights? We will be right there to intervene.

The biblical End Times scenario has a Western Leader being invited in to settle the tensions and protect Israel [Dan. 9]. He makes a 7-year Pact with Israel, for protection, which is broken after 3 1/2 years. This Western Leader is viewed by Israel as their Messiah. But, following his arrival, all we see is war, famine, pestilence and cosmic cataclysm.
This 7-year Pact is what signals the beginning of the Great Tribulation! An event that envelopes the entire globe! Upwards of 2 billion people will die within a few years. In the next 3 years, another billion or more will die.
Think of the disruption, the disease, the destruction of world systems! It will take a global effort to stave off anarchy and financial collapse. Can you say: 666?

Are we THAT close? No one knows, but it sure feels that way.