David Brooks writes a column for the New York Times. Apparently he has written, blaming Christians for America's economic woes -- at least in part. His argument is that our traditional "Calvinistic Restraint" was sacrificed in favor of social activism. The "Country's cultural monitors were busy with other things," he says.
Like what? Like arguing against homosexual unions, abortion-on-demand and the issues surrounding Church and State.
Chuck Colson takes issue with this observation, claiming Christians do not separate chastity from thrift. They understand man's basic nature and the purpose for which God created us. Therefore Christians, specifically the Evangelical Right, did not isolate these virtues and therefore contribute to our economic mess.
Oh? Evangelicals are thrifty? They are chaste? Moral examples? Has Colson read the newspaper or watched TV, lately. Does he not know any Evangelicals? Divorce? Sexual sins? Misuse of money? And these are just the preachers!
It wasn't 'Calvinistic Restraint' that brought "The Social Gospel," or "The Charismatic Movement," or "The Seeker Sensitive Movement," or "The Contemporary" or "Emergent Church Movements." All of which are the products of self-indulgence and theological ignorance.
These came from Christians who's favorite Bible verse is Matthew 7:1, not John 3:16. Their emphasis is on Free Will, not God's Sovereignty.
I think Brooks is right and Colson has been living a sheltered life!