Jennifer Keeton is a Christian enrolled in an Augusta State University Graduate Course in counseling. She is also a Christian and does not believe homosexuality to be normal. Her instructors do not believe her position is consistent with current psychological theory and have presented her with a remediation plan to make her more sensitive to the gay population. This is a condition for her graduating from this Course of study.
Jennifer views it as a violation of her rights and has the support of the Alliance Defense Fund to be able to finish the Course without changing her convictions.
Can I tell you: I agree with Augusta State University!
If the tables were turned, would a person who believed homosexuality was inherent and/or natural to some people be granted a Degree from a Biblical Counseling Department? In today's climate, maybe. But they should not!
Until the 1970's, the Mental Health community viewed homosexuality as 'abnormal psychology.' By a vote of the committee developing the DSM IV, homosexuality became 'normal psychology.'
No scientific breakthrough. No objective evidence. Not DNA nor brain chemistry studies. Nothing except the opinion of a majority of the 70, or so, committee members: all respected psychologists / psychiatrists.
Now, you can't even imply that homosexual behavior is wrong on any level. To do so makes you a bigot.
The real question is: Why would a Christian want a Secular Counseling Degree?
Psychological Theory is rooted in a pagan anthropology and a completely secular, humanistic philosophy of life. There is nothing whatever biblical about their premise nor their treatment.
In their world, aberrant behavior is the product of a "Mental Disorder." You are broken! It's not your fault. You cannot be cured. It can only be managed.
The term, "Mental Disorder," sounds very medical, doesn't it? But what is the 'mind?' And how is it 'disordered?'
They tend to see the brain as the mind. That's why there are so many brain studies and brain chemistry medications. For the Mental Health community, the way our physical systems interact to produce feelings or behaviors is somehow twisted or non-functional.
But the Bible teaches us that the 'mind' is a function of the heart. It is the mind that makes the decisions of life, not the brain. The Bible teaches that feelings follow behavior, behaviors following choices, choices flowing from hearts that are either sinful or 'made new' by God's grace.
Maybe there will be more Jennifer Keetons and true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ will stop trying to wed the pagan philosophies of psychology with The Bible! Maybe they will actually begin to study God's Word in order to help folks with social or emotional problems.
One can only hope! And Pray!