What's does the Westboro Baptist Church have in common with the city of King NC? They are both fighting for Free Speech Rights in America
The Westboro folks are in the U.S. Supreme Court (right now) arguing that they have Free Speech rights to insult, inflame and otherwise intimidate families as they seek to bury their fallen heros.
The folks in King NC are arguing before their own City Council for the right to honor their war-dead with flags representing the nation and beliefs of all they died for.
King is a small town of less than 7000 souls, North West of Winston-Salem, just South West of Pilot Mountain (or Mt Pilot for you Mayberry fans)
Both seek the right to free speech. One seeks the right to be rude, obnoxious, incendiary and hurtful – while the other seeks the right to honor their dead, in harmony with their religious beliefs.
One will likely win! The other may very well lose.
Should the Westboro folks win and the King folks lose, it will (once again) expose the myth of equal rights under the law, in America. Our rights stop at the door of our churches. Why? Because 'someone' may be offended.
The mythological tenet of 'separation of church and state' as it is now interpreted, will be the telling factor. Citizens have the right to say all sorts of things – wave all sorts of flags and banners – honoring every crude, rude and indecent thing anyone can imagine. Citizens have the right to believe anything they want – and speak up for it – in any public venue we provide. What citizens can't do, however, is say / display / picture / or pray on government property.
Am I the only one who sees this as contrived?
No! Most people in this country understand what's going on: The forces of evil – in this case anti-God – are working overtime to eliminate any official recognition of the God of the Bible. The gods of nature; the gods of mythology; the god of humanism; the gods of imagination are all OK. Just not the God Who reveals Himself in The Bible
Why? Personal animis! Hatred of authority! Decadence! Narcissim!
Every government known to man has been and is based on religious belief.
Communist countries = atheistic (faith-system) Humanistic
Moslem countries = Allah
French Republic = Humanism (self as god)
Primitive cultures = pantheists / animists [native Americans]
Oriental societies = mythology / ancestor worship
Monarchs of Europe = divine right of kings to rule
Roman / Greek / Ancient Egyptian / Mesopotamian / Minoan / and on and on
ALL based on religious beliefs
The problem is NOT that America was founded on religious beliefs
Rather, that America was founded on biblical beliefs!
Any god you can name or create is better / more acceptable than the God of the Bible! Why? Because He actually rules over the affairs of men, and everyone knows it! He is the only One we do NOT want to answer to. The snake god can be appeased by men. The God of the Bible cannot!
Reconciliation with this God requires submission of the will – to Him! and to what He believes.
That's why the 10-commandments are so odious!
That's why the flags have to come down!
That's why the Pres. can't be seen standing in front of Christian symbols!
That's why we can't even put up a religiously-oriented Christmas display!
Even though “Christmas” is NOT a Christian holy day. The fact that people think it is – scares the humanist / atheist / narcissist to death!
What happens when God is exiled from a culture? The people are then free to govern themselves....any way the see fit.
What happens when people govern themselves according to their own desires? Moral chaos. Political despotism. Run-away corruption in government and business. The co-opting of justice in favor of what men see as fairness. Wait! We're already there!!!!
The God of The Bible is out of our schools; out of our families; out of our government; out of our commerce; out of our churches (for the most part). The forces of Darwinian evolution – even though most people still reject the premise – have won!
The Pope says evolution is an acceptable explanation of how God created the universe and many Christians agree! If God is de-throned, at this beginning point – why serve Him at all? If the Bible isn't accurate at this beginning point, why believe anything else it says?
The battle is to eliminate The God Who has authority and to Whom we are ultimately accountable. Atheists imagine there isn't a God. Humanists substitute the human spirit. Animists, animals. Spiritists, spirits. Mystics, feelings. And so forth.
Who do you worship? Judging from the way Christians live, they aren't worshiping The One True God of Heaven, either. So why the hub-bub, Bub?