Saturday, November 3, 2012


   The Election will dominate our life for the next week! Election Day is Tuesday, but pundits and experts are predicting a real possibility of re-counts and challenges, expecting the results to be close.

    In many ways, however, the election has been overshadowed by Sandy. Many are calling Hurricane Sandy "God's Judgment On America." The list is not limited to Christians, those in the Muslim world are saying the same thing. 

    It is easy to scapegoat this issue, and make it a broad-based condemnation of Washington Leadership. While we're doing this, we're not looking at ourselves. America is not Israel, in any sense. The judgments God brought against Israel and against her enemies were unique. As 'The Chosen' of God, the nation Israel bore the brunt of God's holy wrath, for purposes related to a coming Messiah.

    The "Chosen of God," today are Christians, scattered throughout the world. They represent God, not in any national sense, but collectively as The Kingdom of God on earth. If there is a visible expression of this, it is in The Church. If we were seeing God's hand of judgment against any group who violated God's holy standards, it would be The Church.

    And, of course, this is exactly what we see! Churches growing into grotesque caricatures of a holy reality. Preachers who couldn't have gotten a hearing 50 years ago. Bible versions that would have been burned by The Reformers. "New Teachings" that defy the rules of grammar and even logic. Huge salaries and benefits, coupled with tremendous facilities and global electronics. 

    How in the world did Christianity survive, let alone flourish, before all this came along?

    With The New Christianity has come a rise in divorce, abortion, homosexuality and crime....among Christians! You won't get through a month [perhaps a week] without a story of
       a noted Christian engaged to a woman, while still married to his first wife,
       a preacher in support of abortion [in the case of rape or the life of the mother, of course],
       a noted Christian expert, understanding of those who were born homosexual,
       in court for stealing money or misappropriating funds, being involved in some sort of family altercation or being caught with either his girlfriend or his boyfriend.

    The World scorns all this, laughing it the foolish "Christians." The so-called Christian community, however, defends it, under the banner of tolerance and not being judgmental. More and more Christians do not want to hear negativity. Criticize someone who is making a mockery of Christ and of Christian Doctrine and YOU become The Problem!

    But 'Sandy' is God's judgment for America not supporting Israel!  Go Figure!!