Humanists don't want to be counted among atheists. Atheists don't want to be counted among secular progressives. But they all share one thing in common: subjective morality. Case in point:
A doctor in Sarasota, Florida, has lost his license to practice medicine for performing an abortion....on the “wrong baby!”
Dr. Matthew Kachinas was asked to perform a “selective reduction” by a mother carrying twins. One baby had genetic markers consistent with Down syndrome and the other did not.
Dr. Kachinas was to abort the undesirable baby. He made a mistake, which he credited to faulty ultra sound equipment, and aborted the healthy child instead.
Did we think this could not happen?
Between 80-90% of all babies with genetic markers for Down syndrome are aborted in America. According to Dr. Al Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Convention, children have become a consumer product. We pick and choose which child we want and which we do not want.
In China, this practice is focused on female babies, since law limits parents to only one child. Today, boys out-number girls, to such a significant degree, that sociologists and others are worried about a number of possibilities: a larger expansion of the international kidnapping of girls that is now a Chinese cottage industry, sex-trafficking, war or an increase in homosexuality.
One can only wonder where circumstances and human nature will take a society that abandons objective morality in favor of what appears to “work.”
Our shock at the doctor who aborted the wrong baby? Selective outrage!