One of the most chilling events occurred last week in the Halls of Congress and in The White House.
The issue of Gender-Selection Abortion moved front-and-center following the revelations of a pro-life group based in San Jose, California. Live Action revealed a multi-state, national investigation of a widespread pattern of deceit and selective abortion of unwanted female babies.
The secretly filmed videos reveal Planned Parenthood workers, across America, advising clients how to covertly steal money from Medicaid to a) get a free test, b) then get a free abortion and finally c) get pregnant again and perhaps do it all over again until they arrive at a pregnancy they want to take to full term.
The U.S. House of Representatives had been working on a Bill to stop this sort of thing. They called it PRENDA: The Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act. It protected not only female babies but also black and hispanic children. The revelations by Live Action stimulated House Leadership to bring the Bill to the floor.
But, here is where it gets strange. Instead of bringing it up in the normal way, Republican leaders decided to use a procedure known as 'Suspension.' This allows a Bill to be presented without debate and without amendment. It is reserved for non-controversial issues but takes a 2/3 vote to pass.
Critics accused Republicans of trying to ram the Bill down their throats. In the end it failed the 2/3 majority required, with the final vote being 246 to 168. This means over 40% of our Representatives accept the concept of selective abortions, based on gender.
The Bill was stripped of its racial components for reasons that are not quite clear and under Suspension can be brought up again. Republicans claim they wanted to 'hang this vote around the necks of the Democrats' as the Presidential race unfolds.
Gender-selection is a global problem. In places like China and India this sort of gendercide has distorted gender ratios, creating serious consequences. Besides the callous disdain for girls, it precipitates a Black Market demand for women, who are then sold to men as either sex-slaves or wives.
We have always thought ourselves above this kind of barbarism. Now we understand that it is rampant throughout our country and worse than that, our government turns a deaf ear and blind eye to the practice.
The Republicans claim they are simply setting this up for a future vote, but with the issue now on the political table, the media and many interest groups are going to have time to marshall their efforts. Our President has weighed in with the Deputy Press Secretary [Jamie Smith] saying that the Administration opposes gender discrimination, but will not intrude in medical decisions or private family matters in this way.
How convenient! A government dedicated to intruding into every American's medical decision, suddenly finds 'religion.' The Video and Transcript reveals how that abortions can be performed up to 24 weeks of gestation. That's more than 6 months! In a recent news report it was revealed that in Washington D.C. abortions are legal up to 39 weeks. We all remember the debate about Late-Term Abortions which is AFTER the baby is born.
Darwinian Evolutionary Theory, born of what we euphemistically call Humanism, has brought us all the way to Barbarism! Humanism is not a word found in The Bible. The Bible term is 'depravity!' The description is found in Jeremiah 17:9 a heart that is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, beyond anything anyone can imagine.