Friday, March 22, 2013


    The president of the strongest nation on earth, a Western nation, paid his first visit to Israel, this week. For the entirety of his first term he did everything but refuse Netanyahu's phone calls. He visited every major Islamic country in the Middle East, bowing deeply in their leaders' presence, required by Muslims when approaching one of higher rank or greater respect. He did all this without taking his non-muslim wife.

    This time around, he appeared at Passover time, charming the Prime Minister and bringing him almost to tears, as he praised his son for his bravery. There was no mention of Pre-1967 borders, although the official White House website still boasts a map of the region that reflects those borders.

    He snubbed the Knesset in favor of what was called a 'hand-picked' crowd of college students, for his next major speech. Here he challenged them with a Saul Alinksy quote about the need of every society to hold their leadership accountable for what they [the citizens] want. It reflects the policy of governance from the ground, up.

    Then he went to Gaza, where he told those folks they need to 'get over it!' The 'it' is there condition for peace: Israel's abandonment of the "occupied territories.' This turn of events shocked the entire world! It enraged Hamas and it's fellow-travellors, caused Israel to wonder and the world to begin thinking in terms of a possible Peace Settlement in the Region.

    At the same time, the Western World was celebrating the installation of a new Pope! A pope from the Western Hemisphere, of Italian ancestry, who is a Jesuit! President John Adams wrote that no group was more deserving of hell, than Jesuits. What was his problem? Simple: Jesuits are committed, by oath, to the domination of Catholicism over the religious beliefs of the entire world! we have a Western Political Leader charming the Israelis, offering the only viable alternative to the stale-mate that is The Palestinian Situation and a Western Pope charming the entire world with his magnanimous personality and commitment to the down-trodden and disaffected.

    Sound familiar?  I'm not prophesying the end of the world! However, it is very interesting and gives us a glimpse of how really easy it will be for a Western World Leader to be embraced by Israel, with the promise of bringing peace to Jerusalem. It also shows how easy the world will be accepting of a False Religious Leader, who comes on the scene during the Great Tribulation.

    One of the things Jesus told us, when He was here, is how the world will never see it [the end] coming, but how believers will be able to read the events and not be caught napping. One wonders if this isn't God showing His people just how easy it will be. Or....?

    One last interesting note: Our newest CIA Director was Jesuit-trained, as was the President of the E.U., while the Chaplain of the House of Representatives is a Jesuit priest.  Add to that St. Malacy's prophecy and, well you get the idea.   I'm just saying. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What Evil Lurks?

   Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, said this week, he would not allow a gun bill on the floor that banned assault rifles and large magazines because the votes just weren't there.

   What's going on? What's going on is an effort to secure the barn door long after the horses have fled!

   The horrific events of Sandy Hook have once again stimulated our leaders to "do something!" The "something" which must be done is too 'Christian,' too Rational, too Fundamental to be considered. Instead, we seek to limit gun ownership, a fundamental American Right.

   In 21st Century America it is the mirror which is The Enemy! Look at ourselves: fat, lazy, immoral, debauched, drugged and satiated with inane TV shows about people who think they have talent or can dance!

   To resolve our 'gun problem,' we would need to look at what we've done:
            Destroyed the Traditional Family
            Destroyed Objective Moral Standards
            Destroyed our Educational System
            Exalted the Psychological Community
            Become dependent upon drugs
            Become enamored of Government Largesse
            Forsaken Personal Responsibility

   We acquiesced to the destructive powers that be, in all of the above areas, and more. What we are apparently not yet willing to do is let the government take away our guns! Why?

    One reason is our Right to Bear Arms, guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment to our Constitution was deliberately written to guarantee the basic rights which make Americans Free. It includes Speech, Assembly, The Press, Association AND Religion!

   These are fundamental rights, without which we cease to be Free! They, along with the other Rights in the Bill of Rights, were enacted to protect citizens from an abusive government. The Founders knew something about abusive governments and how they can / will carefully and systematically draw all power to themselves if no one stops them.

   The Battle in America is NOT Guns! It's Religion: what or Who we worship and why? Christianity, rooted in Old Testament principles of governance, formed the basis for our Founding Documents. Because of this we have enjoyed unbridled success. The United States of America rose to be the pre-eminent nation on the earth because of it's fundamental structure!

   Now? Now we want every religion on the planet to be honored EXCEPT Christianity! Why? Because it is dangerous; injurious to the Self. When the Self wants access to unbridled sex, it's Christianity that says, No! When the Self wants free expression in all areas of life, it's Christianity that stands in the way.

   Of course, noted "Christian" leaders are rising to speak out against the Bible they profess to believe and teach. Increasingly, Christian-looking preachers are siding with The Enemy on Gay Marriage, Sodomy, Debauchery, Mysticism, Psychology, Infanticide, Divorce, Collectivism and a host of destructive societal trends.

   So, the next time someone takes up a gun and mercilessly kills someone, think about it. Oh, it just happened!  A State Corrections Official in Colorado answered a knock on his door and was met with someone who simply shot and killed him where he stood!

   Ascribing that sort of 'evil' to an inanimate object is it's own form of insanity! If there were no guns, do you not believe [know for certain] that some other object would have been used? The evil lies in mens' hearts, not in cold steel. What are we doing to control the heart? What are YOU doing?