Homosexuality has emerged as the Issue of our Age.
Why are so many, so determined to legitimize and mainstream such a highly personal and intimate human behavior? The answer from those who advocate for acceptance of this lifestyle tell us it's about Human Rights. People are being persecuted for their sexual preferences.
Okay. Define "Persecution." Homosexuals have a higher average yearly income than heterosexuals [$55,430, vs. $32,144]. 59.6% of homosexuals are College graduates, compared with 18% of the general public. 49% hold professional / managerial positions, compared to 15.9% of the general population. [Statistical Abstract of the U.S. 1990]
The suicide rate for homosexuals is 50%. 73% of psychiatrists say homosexuals are less happy than the average person. But 70% of these same psychiatrists say that unhappiness is NOT due to social stigmatization. [Sexual Survey Number 4: Current Thinking on Homosexuality, Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality -- by H. Leif]
Homosexuals live shorter lives [by almost half], are more unhappy, are more unfulfilled, commit more suicides, and are more unhealthy [78% have STDs, account for more than 50% of all AIDs cases, and are infected with intestinal parasites (39 - 59%)].
In addition, they account for 33% of all reported child molestations in the United States -- And this from 2% of the population!
So, I ask: What's with the effort to protect homosexuality?
We can't disparage it. We can't condemn it. We can't discriminate against it. We can't protect our children from being indoctrinated to accept it [State Educ.]. And, if we think this is simply a social issue, consider the new Hate Crimes Legislation or the Bullying Laws being passed. You can go to jail for saying homosexuality is bad!
Is it bad? YES! Is it dangerous? YES! Is it socially destructive? YES! Do you want your 8 year old child introduced to it? NO! But you can't say this in public?
Does anyone stop to consider what's going on and where all this is leading?