We can't say that abortion is murder, homosexuality is aberrant, Jesus is the only Way, Darwinian evolution is a flawed theory or that criminals are 'bad.'
We also, apparently, can't call bullies 'bad.' We can say that bullying is unacceptable behavior, or that it isn't 'nice.' But no one is permitted to call any childhood behavior bad, let alone the person doing the deed.
All this leads us to 'therapies' and 'counter measures,' to help children learn how to get along with one another. But it does nothing to actually solve the problem!
What happened to linking bad behavior with character? Some things are constructive while others are destructive. Can't we point out the destructive nature of stubbornness, obsessiveness, being critical, apathetic, self-indulgent, callous, willful, or any number of negative character qualities?
Why do we have to separate the behavior from the attitude that stimulates it?
Oh, I know! Because no one is BAD!!! Only behaviors are bad. People are good.
Here's a News Flash: If you don't know what's wrong, you can't fix it!
Parenting is about training little people who have no values. If we let them simply express what they feel, don't be surprised if they develop a destructive value system.
Some people simply have no empathy toward anyone. They are self-centered and narcissistic. Tell them a particular behavior hurts the other person and they will have no sympathetic response. Psychology calls this Anti-Social Behavior Disorder.
Isn't that nice? They have a disorder of the 'mind.' It's not their fault. Of course, the mental health community has no idea what 'the mind' is, nor do they know why it's disordered! They believe the mind to be the brain, judging from all the brain studies and chemicals applied to make the it work better. Think about that! Seven pounds of grey matter, sitting on top of your neck is running your life. No wonder nothing is my fault.
The Bible says the mind is a function of the heart and that the heart is desperately wicked, beyond anything anyone can 'know.' [Jer. 17:9] Calling this kind of wickedness "unacceptable behavior" isn't attacking the real problem.
Here's another good reason to keep your children out of the State School System. They might get hurt.