Events are Cascading:
The Middle East is heating up.
The Gospel is all but ignored and/or marginalized in the West.
Christianity is becoming more entertainment than spiritual strength / hope.
Societies are becoming more crude and crass.
Life is becoming less valuable, at every level.
Morality is becoming increasingly more subjective.
Sex is dominating our attention and our lives.
Education is evermore critical and fewer are being educated.
Digital communities [Facebook, etc] are robbing us of real connectedness.
Natural disasters are making us more uneasy.
Everything is revolving around computers and numbers.
The cashless society bankers and law enforcement favor, is becoming a reality.
The bad economy is pushing us into a global society.
Is all this simply the natural evolution of societies? Or is it being orchestrated by intelligent forces?
The cumulative effect is to decentralize the individual, desensitize him in the critical areas of life, deconstruct our traditional support systems and push us toward a global dependency, without national identity.
And it just so happens this is exactly what The Bible predicts will be the situation at the End of the Age!