Jim Wallis is a Liberal, Progressive, Humanist, masquerading as a Christian. His theological views decry his pedigree: that of a Christian Pastor.
Jim Wallis founded and edits the leftwing "Christian" magazine: Sojourners. He is a Democratic Party Operative, an apologist for communist atrocities in Cambodia and Vietnam, a dedicated foe of capitalism and uses The Bible to call for large central government aid to the poor, according to www.discoverthenetworks.org.
Jim Wallis embraces the Occupy Wall Street crowd, insisting they are the 99% who stand with Jesus. In a recent speech Wallis said 'American exceptionalism is a heresy. It's not true and it's very dangerous." [Lifetree Cafe]
American exceptionalism is the notion and worldview that the U.S., as a nation, is unique in its creation and accomplishments.
So the question is: Who's Right? Who's Wrong?
Consider these realities and tell me what nation in the history of mankind compares favorably with the U.S.
Settled by men and women escaping from religious persecution, seeking a land where they could worship in peace.
Settlers, many of whom, came with the expressed purpose of evangelizing the native inhabitants.
Establishing a government respective of the individual rights of it's citizens.
Establishing a nation where The Law is King -- no one is above the law.
A currency established upon the biblical principle of a 'just weight and measure.'
Judges who wear clerical garb
Laws rooted in The Bible and English Common Law: Marriage, Divorce, Fornication, Sodomy and 'Blue Laws'
Legal oaths taken on the Bible
A preamble to the Constitution that recognizes our God-given existence and rights
A Bill of Rights that first establishes the right of religious speech and gatherings
Chaplains and prayers offered in the Halls of Congress
Bibles distributed to soldiers during the Revolutionary War, BY THE CONGRESS!
Reverence for the dead -- rather than burning their bodies
Tax exemption for Churches and religious organizations.
Where in all the world do you find such a country? Where in all the world do you find a country that has accomplished as much and given as much to the world and to mankind than these United States of America?
Exceptional? Look up the word in your dictionary. It will show you a picture of this country!
The Progressives have hijacked our culture and want to throw our history down the 'memory hole.' They use hyberbole and caricatures to do it. Is / Was America a Christian Nation? No! Was America founded on biblical principles? Yes! Is our exceptionalism rooted in our founding principles? Yes!
The Jim Wallis's of this world consider American Exceptionalism racist and intolerant. Americans consider it our heritage and we're proud of it!
That we are not what we once were. That we have a lot to answer for. That we didn't always do right or do it in the right way, is a testimony to mans' natural tendencies. But history will record that Americans tried.
Don't let the Jim Wallis's of this world take that away from us.