Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Economy: Left v. Right? Or Right v. Wrong?

   There is hardly an adult in America who isn't wondering [at least] about where this government's fiscal policy is taking us. According to statistics released Monday [8/12/13], by the Treasury Department, the government has made progress in staunching the spread of red ink, while managing to avoid a double-dip recession.

    Through the first 10 months of 2013, the deficit dropped $607.4 billion, down from $973.8 billion at this same point in 2012. We're also being told [in other news] that businesses are making money, profits are up and the Stock Market is doing well....so far.

    So, what's happening? Is the Socialist-Progressive Fiscal Plan working? Are we being lied to? Is this the Lull-Before-The-Storm?

    Before you go out and have a party, I have one word for you: ObamaCare! This monster kicks into high gear, next year. Along with that are the millions of Americans who cannot and will not find Full Time work, because employers need to get below 50 full-time employees, reducing household incomes by at least a quarter or more.

    It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's happening. Our current economic policy is immoral! Those in government, who have created the present scenario, know full well what they're doing will virtually bankrupt the country and destroy the middle class. What they're doing is deliberate!

    How can I be so definitive? We know these people know what they're doing because the vast majority of them are millionaires! They know how money works. They know how to accumulate wealth. They know that giving away their money to friends and neighbors, even strangers, with no hope that it will help those people become self-sufficient, is foolish! They don't do it in their personal finances, just look at how much Liberals and Progressives give to charity.

    No one gets rich devaluing the currency or increasing the cost of doing business, yet that's exactly what's happening on a broad scale. So what's really going on?

    What's really going on is the world hurling itself toward Armageddon! Everywhere you look you see more and more immorality, crime and moral devastation. We used to be able to list the most current illustrations, but there are more and worse occurring every day! Too many to keep up with.

    Will the Republicans stop the implementation of ObamaCare? Not without a Republican President to sign the Bill. Will the Republicans stop the spending? Not if they want to get elected again. Will we return to The Rule of Law? Probably not. This Administration has refined the art of Government By Decree and no one is calling them on it. I expect they are establishing a new paradigm that succeeding Presidents and Cabinet Officials will follow, with impugnity

    This is not a Republican v. Democrat issue. It's not a political Left v. Right issue. It's a Right v. Wrong issue and The Wrong is winning!

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