What might be over? This Grand Experiment known as The United States of America. You remember it, don't you: A nation of people whose Rights are guaranteed by God, not the Courts. A nation of people dedicated to the principle of Individual Responsibility, not Government largesse (or control). A nation of people who reflect Judeo-Christian morality, that is to say biblical morality. A people who welcome folks from every nation, offering them the benefits of this Great Country, under the banner of E Pluribus Unum -- Out of the Many, One.
Gone! All of it, gone! Fatalism? Consider a Survey, commissioned by The College Republican National Committee, which advises the Party to radically alter not just its media tactics and grassroots outreach to youth, but the Party's current message on the issues of Planned Parenthood, Same-sex marriage, Anti-gay rhetoric and a host of other bell-weather social issues.
You see it! Otherwise conservative lawmakers and governors and policy makers, racing to get in front of the culture, in order to get elected. What about Principle? Morality? Decency? Law? Justice? Gone! Sacrificed on the altar of electability.
If we have no moral leadership, where are we going? The deists and atheists of 1776 had more respect for God, The Bible and objective morality than do most of today's Christians! Rick Santorum just took a job as head of a Faith-Based Movie Studio. Its strategy is based on the reality that the modern culture is here to stay. Instead of staying away from it, since it is clearly destructive, we need to engage it. His goal is to produce Christian-themed movies "that will have quality and popular appeal."
Good for him! Only he's 50 year's late! The Evangelical Church decided to do that in the late 1950's and all it did was bring us the Charismatic Movement, a spate of weak Bible versions, Contemporary music and eventually Contemporary worship forms. The Goal? Appeal to people where they are! The result? A weakened form of Evangelicalism.
The Culture swallowed these people, whole! They have no message! They have no center! The world sees them for what they are: a Joke! The Christian community? They still think all this is relevant. I have a transcript of a Larry King interview with Joel Osteen. Almost every question was answered with an "I Don't Know." Theology, The Gospel, Biblical Morality -- I Don't Know! This is the King of Evangelical Churchmen.
Politics is now completely irrelevant. Labels no longer matter. Libertarians are starting to make the most sense and their system can't work! If we give people the Liberty these folks advocate, we'll just need more laws and more controls. Democrats want a Power Base of voters they can count on....whatever that takes. And Republicans? I don't know what they stand for, anymore. There's no cohesive philosophy. They seem to be waiting to see where young people are going, and run to get in front of them.
I have always been a Patriot. I weep at the Star Bangled Banner. I am emotional when the flag is passing. I am now starting to feel ashamed of my Patriotism. How can I unequivocally support this country, when it cares so little about what really matters? Scores of elected officials, all of whom supported The Defense of Marriage Act, 17 years ago, stood up and cheered it's demise, this week! What changed? Not Marriage. Not Family. Not homosexuality. Not the constitution.
Stay Tuned! We may live long enough to see the American Flag in a Museum.
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