A discussion of current issues in light of the Bible. Broadcast each Sunday night 8-11 pm (EST) http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sunday-night-bible-forum www.thebibleforum.net
Saturday, March 2, 2013
If Christianity had a motto, it would probably be along the same lines as the North Carolina Motto: To Be Rather Than To Seem.
Jesus, confronted by the Pharisees, in regard to ceremonial washing of the hands, declared: "This people do honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from me." [Mark 7] He was quoting Isaiah's prophesy concerning Israel's hypocrisy [Isa. 29:13]
The elders of Israel had taught that unless they washed their hands before eating, having come from the market place, or the various cups, dishes, pots, etc by which they would eat, they were spiritually unclean. It was a ceremonial cleansing [a baptism], not the mere washing off of dirt. Something not prescribed by God, but by men.
The issue being whether or not a Jew was spiritual or at least spiritually clean. To be otherwise was to risk being forbidden in the Temple or synagogue and ultimately in heaven. Jesus taught that what they do is not as important as what they are...at heart. The problem, however, is that even true Christians are more concerned with outward behaviors than with inward graces.
This used to be the criticism hurled at the Fundamentalists. Not those who simply hold to the fundamentals of the faith, but those who designated themselves "Fundamentalists." These folks can often be long on behaviors and certain, key doctrines, but short on grace and the whole counsel of God.
Today, things have changed. Those who are more liberal, contemporary and flexible in their faith have taken over in this area. These are the folks who refuse to allow anyone to 'judge' them by their works. Their view of Christian faith is that it doesn't matter what a person does, only what they believe. They are modern-day Gnostics, observing a false dualism of soul and body. God has saved their soul, not their body, therefore they are not accountable for what they do, simply for what they believe.
This is clearly NOT a Bible idea! Several of Paul's epistles dealt with this issue. The Point is: Our World Is Imploding! It's not a nuclear nor an environmental nor a political threat. It is a Moral Threat!
Traditional values, traditional morals, traditional economics and even traditional definitions of words no longer apply! Reality is whatever our political, social and religious leaders say it is....today. Can we spend our way into prosperity? Can we embrace alternative forms of 'family' and have a strong society? Can we worship God according to the dictates of our own belief? The answer to these and similar questions is NO!
What this world needs is NOT better political representation but better illustrations of integrity, stability, morality. No one is better equipped nor suited to this than is The Christian! To BE, rather than to SEEM is not simply a motto, not simply a good idea, it's an absolute imperative. An imperative God declared long before North Carolina thought of it!
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