We're watching another political cover-up, this one involving the death of 4 Americans employed by the U.S. Government and ostensibly with the reasonable assumption, if not promise of protection.
We're watching as the British Broadcasting Company is being charged with covering up the sexual escapades of one of their premiere TV Stars who is now being accused of more than 300 cases of pedophilia, over a 30 year span of time. Knighted by the Queen. Treated as royalty among media types. A Pervert!
But cover-ups occur in churches all the time. TBN is embroiled in a Law Suit that alleges they have been misusing funds to enrich themselves. There's a shocker!
Another cover-up is alleged in the case of C. J. Mahaney and his Sovereign Grace Ministries. It is alleged that Mahaney knew of a sexual abuse situation, in his church, for decades and purposely concealed that information from Law Enforcement. It is alleged that neither he nor the 6 other leaders named as defendants reported the event(s) and actively sought to "mislead law enforcement into believing the parents had forgiven those who preyed on their children."
It is not my goal to cast judgment either way, simply to point out what a reasonable person should do in these cases.
Aside from the Law, which requires pastors, counselors, teachers, etc to report sexual abuse, should they become aware of it, those in Christian Ministry have a biblical and moral obligation to do so!
Here's the Rule of Thumb: When you hear of a situation, you investigate it! When you know it has occurred, you become responsible. When you suspect it has occurred you confront the supposed perpetrator. If he/she confesses, you become responsible. If they do not confess, but you still aren't sure, you become responsible.
When you know a crime has been committed, Report it! When you aren't certain, Get Involved With That Family, In Counseling! At every step you inform the participants that you MUST report a crime or be guilty of a crime, yourself. At no time do you assume the role of Judge and Jury.
In the pastorate it is easy to assume these folks are Christians and that by admitting their guilt and submitting to counseling and restitution, everything is OK. The Law doesn't see it that way! As those who are to submit themselves to the governing authorities, we shouldn't see it this way either.
Restoration, in the case of murder, means what? Confessing it before the congregation? Yes. And....? With the mainstreaming of homosexuality [in marriages] and in the minds of most Americans, pedophilia is going to increase. It's simply the next logical step. A child does not have to be sexually penetrated for a crime to have been committed!
Governing Authorities exist to Protect! Secular Government is not the only governing authority. The Family exists as a governing authority structure. The Church exists as a governing authority structure. We expect people to stop anti-social behaviors, simply because it damages the Family. If that doesn't impress them, we have The Church. If that's not an option or it doesn't impress, we have The Law!
A person who has no more respect for a child [or an adult] than to disrespect them, insult them, hurt them or defile them, has a serious anti-social problem!! We call it Sin! If a society can't protect the weaker members, it doesn't have long to exist!
For Pastors, every counseling session should start with: If you tell me you've committed a crime, my responsibility will be to get you to turn yourself in. If, after a reasonable time, you refuse, I will! During that "reasonable time," your crime is ALL we're going to talk about.
Are WE becoming so like the world that we no longer know what's right or wrong? There's a quote: If Gold Rusts, What Can You Expect From Iron?!
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