Saturday, June 16, 2012


In a world where "King Self" rules, everything is optional, even fathers! Traditional roles, traditional values, traditional standards are viewed as out-dated, outmoded and destructive of social progress.
Marriage and Parenting are two such out-moded concepts. The God Who created us established marriage and family to protect and strengthen both the individual and the societal unit. Where traditional [read: biblical] marriage and family is strong, women and children are protected and men are responsible. In societies where this traditional arrangement no longer exists, none of this is true.
Americans de-valued marriage and family with No-Fault Divorce laws that treat marriage as an optional,  informal contract, rather than the holy state, based on solemn vows, it really is. We instituted birth control methods and devices, including abortion-on-demand under the heading of 'Womens Health Care' or 'Reproductive Health Care.' Recently we've added same-sex unions, calling it 'marriage.'
Now, no one is protected! Not women who are simply viewed as sex-objects. Not children who are now disposable, either in gender-specific abortions, general abortions or abandonment. Not men, who are now teen-agers well into their 40's with no sense of responsibility nor desire for personal development.
In the Black community, where this 'progressive' philosophy has taken hold, 72% of babies are born to unwed mothers. The abortion rate among this demographic is also higher than the average. Columbia University did a study on the disconnected generation and found in single-parent homes, where the mother was Head of the household, 30% of the children became involved in drugs, alcohol, crime and violence. In two-parent households, where there wasn't a good relationship with the father, 68% of the children were likely to be involved with alcohol, drugs, crime and violence. 
Mothers bring love, nurture, support and direction to the family. Fathers bring security and an optimistic confidence that children need when facing the unknown. Fathers are not known for being nurturers. Often fathers are seen as disconnected from the family. Too often this is true! But, to the extent that he is still a presence in the life of the family and available to provide and protect, he serves a vital role in the development of that unit, it's members and the broader society.
Young women are at an emotional and relational disadvantage without a father to provide the attention of a man, during those critical years of puberty, as well as wise counsel regarding men. Women do not understand these things, as men do. Without Dad's love and guidance, a young woman must learn these lessons the hard way, with too often disastrous result. 
The same is true with young men. They don't know how to be a man. Fathers can save their sons many years of hard work and grief by teaching and modeling godly manhood. Even if the father is not a believer, there is much a father has to teach his son.
With same-sex unions and the abandonment of marriage on the rise, these dynamics are strained, if available at all! We have enough years and data to tell us how it's all going to end. The picture is chaotic and destructive.
Fathers need all the help and encouragement they can get! But even a poor father is better than no father. 

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