Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rush Is Right

This week, Rush Limbaugh went after the young law student at Georgetown University for arguing for government healthcare coverage that includes contraception. Sandra Fluke was the only witness called by the House Policy Committee to testify. Some called this a 'Pretend Committee,' because it seemed to be an excuse simply to have her testify. Rep. Pelosi, Chairwoman of the Committee, called Ms. Fluke to testify because she was not permitted to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, last week. Those who did testify were all men!

Ms Fluke identified herself as a Reproductive Rights Advocate and proceeded to complain that Georgetown University's Health Care Policy did not include contraception and how this puts a strain on female students. She indicated that during her term as a law student, she will have to spend 3 thousand dollars on contraception. In her economy, this is not health care.

Rush proceeded to denounce Ms. Fluke and equate coverage for contraception with pimping. To say that his statements / tirades were over the top, is quite an understatement! It is the reason some of us are not listening as often or as closely as perhaps we once did. There doesn't seem to be much of a limitation to what Rush says, anymore.

Rush is right, of course! Not that the public is pimping for women who get contraceptive coverage from government healthcare, but that the idea of contraceptive coverage as an inalienable right. The issue is whether or not the public is responsible to make it safe for people to enjoy recreational sex.

Keep in mind the idea of 'contraception' includes not only the 'morning after pill' but abortion. Of course, it hasn't actually reached that point, yet, but we all know that's where it's going. The President changed the debate, a few weeks ago, from abortion to contraception in order to stimulate just this sort of controversy. He called Ms. Fluke the day after her testimony to encourage her.

Sandra Fluke is an Activist. She admitted to enrolling in Georgetown University BECAUSE the Healthcare Policy did NOT include contraception coverage. Her goal is to change that policy, for Georgetown and for the country if she can. With Rush's crude commentary and consequent defense, Ms Fluke wins! She is a sympathetic figure, being picked on by a bully.

I believe Thomas Sowell's commentary, this week, sums it up: "The election in November will not be just another election, the stakes add up to far more than the sum of the individual issues." The issue is the survival of this country as a Democratic Republic, based on Individual Rights / Responsibilities and a Market-Based Economy.

It is the Judeo-Christian ethic that gave birth to this nation and has sustained it for over 230 years. That we now have a President and Administration that routinely ignores the Constitution and Legal Constraint, in order to fashion their own vision of America, while little or nothing is done to stop them, surely must show us how delicate the balance has become.

That more and more Americans reject this last paragraph as ludicrous and representative of a false view of history, is testimony to the success of Modern American Education and The Liberal Media, over the last 80 years. Our Anglo-saxon, Christian way of life is under serious attack.

A political solution, however, is NOT the answer, although it would slow things down. God is apparently not withholding the evil He once did. Even within Christianity, error is now unassailable truth. This can only mean The End is near. [I Tim. 4]

Watch the Middle East. Watch the Eastern Sky. Our Redemption Draweth Nigh.

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