There is a Not-So-Subtle Tension Between Liberty & Equality. The issue is framed by current events:
Leftists, Libertarians, Progressives and any number of Social Architects seemed fixated on making sure all people groups are treated equally.
Conservatives, Strict Constitutionists and Traditionalists favor Liberty which, by its very nature, tends to limit equality.
The reality is: the more liberty a person has, the greater are the inequalities. When people are free to be and to do what they can, the differences in people become more pronounced.
This is seen as unfair and destructive to those who do not have the same capacities. So, compassionate people step up to limit the highly imaginative and productive people, in order to make the playing field more equal. In so doing, they infringe on the rights and liberties of the creative group.
The framers of our Constitutional Republic understood this tension. They crafted a societal structure which rewarded creativity and industry while fostering and encouraging Christian values. We see it in every State Constitution, in the way our law is structured, in the place given to public prayer and expressions of the Christian religion, as well as the Scripture verses and sentiments carved into just about every government building.
What they knew was: unless people had a God-consciousness, the tendency would be to run rough-shod over those who could not (or would not) compete in this arena. It is only in the Judeo-Christian ethic that we find the selflessness and deference so necessary to a strong society.
The arguments will come, pointing to this religious philosophy or another, as equally good, but the proof is still in the pudding! Which country has out-shined all other societies for enshrining liberty, justice, enterprise, creativity and personal freedom? Which society is as generous and self-effacing? After WWII, America was the only country with the Atomic Bomb. We could have cowered any and all nations into subservience, creating a World Government for and about The U.S. We didn't! It took the atheistic, Communists, to try this.
Critics can find notable abuses in this or any society, but the over-arching testimony of The United States of America is one of industry, innovation and the desire for peace. English is the Trade Language of the world because of America. The dollar (so far) is the standard of currency for the world. People around the world risk their life and future to come to our shores. America is a Success Story never before told.
We have enjoyed this marvelous 'ride' not because our laws force us to be fair or require equality in every area, but because our ethic does. The Greatest Generation is so because of their selflessness. Reared in great deprivation, forced to set their personal life 'on hold' to fight a World War, coming home to a land without enough jobs or housing and dealing with the psychological issues that wars create, this generation set all that aside and simply went to work!
Multiculturalism, Rights advocates, Progressives and Socialists have sought to make us do what our grandparents did out of their own heart. They hate The God of The Bible. They are embarrassed by their own success. That success gives them time to consider something beyond survival. So they are trying to make people be and do what they believe is right and good. How's that working out?
Their goals may be good, but their tactics are abusive. To make sure everyone is treated equally requires laws which limit everyone's freedom.
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