The Liberals in Congress see opportunity in their newest National Health Care Initiative. Not for a healthier America! But for a more powerful Elite.
The Senate Bill is the best of the worst. The House Bill will have to be wed to it and this is not possible. So, House Democrats will have to go along to get along. And their moral system will allow them to do so.
But, in the process, these folks are willing for Seniors to pay so the more "disadvantaged" citizens can have health care.
Only Seniors are being required to pay with their lives! Medicare payments will be limited, according to age and viability. Of course, this will be in concert with your Doctor, who will be an employee of the State!
All this so those who are dying every day for lack of affordable health care may live. No effort has been made to correct the problems with Health Insurance. All that was discussed and voted on was how to give the Government control over your health care.
And, by their own measure, less than half of those now "uninsured" will benefit.
The Secular, Progressive, Humanist moral code drives a stake into the heart of who and what we are, as Americans. Personal Responsibility, Liberty, Integrity and the Condition of Mankind do not factor into their system. It's all about 'progress.'
So, where is all this 'progress' taking us? Right into bankruptcy and slavery.
The unborn are not worthy to live, if they interfere with our plans.
The elderly are not worthy to live a productive life, if it's too expensive.
The mentally ill are not worthy of a cure, only hopeless therapies.
The traditionalists are not worthy of a voice, being narrow and judgmental.
The patriotic are dangerous, keeping us from making global progress.
The middle class is a threat to good order, they must be eliminated.
The truly educated child is a threat, he must not be permitted to learn.
The biblically literate are confused, they actually believe The Bible.
Only those who rely on PBS and The Daily Kos really know the truth!
But consider: The Liberal Left represents less than 30% of the population! Their effort is to help the 20% who are supposedly not benefiting from the system. Of course, this is at the expense of the 80% who pay the bills.
We keep electing them because they pander to our selfish nature, promising all sorts of things no one is able to actually deliver. But that doesn't occur to us, since our memory is only about 60-days long and our corporate context is only about 8 years.
The fact that other civilizations have traveled this same, destructive, path doesn't occur to us. Western Civilization is a mystery to most Americans, 40 years of age and younger.
So, keep hoping. Maybe one day this insanity will actually work!
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