William Graham Tullian Tchividjian was elected to follow Dr. D. James Kennedy as Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Flordia, about 6 months ago. He was then the pastor of the 500-member New City Church. Presumably, those folks came over to Coral Ridge.
Pastor Tchividjian is 37 years old, prefers contemporary music to organ music, dropped the weekly TV program and doesn't give altar calls.
But his real crime seems to be that he doesn't believe political action is the way to change the country.
Dr. Kennedy's daughter, Jennifer, was banned from Church property, along with 5 other members, back in August for distributing flyers critical of the new pastor.
About 400 members signed a petition requesting a Special Business Meeting to decide whether or not to keep him or fire him. That meeting was held on Sunday morning, September 20, 2009.
Critics faulted him for not maintaining the Kennedy legacy and for altering traditions. Supporters noted that Church membership was increasing and congregation should stay united.
How would you have voted? I suppose if you preferred organ music to trap-sets, you might have tended to vote for firing him. And, if you were convinced The Church is ordained to bring in the Millennium, you might have been tempted to vote against him.
But, what if you really believed The Bible? What if you saw "Church" as something distinct from politics? What if you saw "Church" as a uniquely Christian thing, not structured for, nor oriented toward unbelievers? You'd probably vote to keep him.
This congregation voted to keep him, by a ratio of 2 to 1.
It's a bright spot in an otherwise dark world. Too many churches, today, have abandoned their biblical heritage for Seeker Sensitive, Contemporary, Marketing plans. They make no apologies for trying to attract as many unsaved people as possible. To do so they have brought in as much of the world as possible, to make unsaved people feel comfortable.
I would suggest this philosophy will destroy "Church" as we know it. If that hasn't already happened. Theirs is a wonderful plan. The only problem is: There is No Bible to support it.
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