An email from a Moslem listener asks: Name a place if you can where Christianity has not left in it's wake a "living hell" for those who came in contact with it.
He is upset that I would characterize Islam as a religion that allows for violence in the defense of the faith as opposed to Christianity which advocates forgiveness, tolerance and turning the other cheek.
In answer to his challenge, I would name The United States of America. The "American Experiment" was decidedly Christian in it's underlying values. In harmony with this, we have allowed all sorts of religious beliefs to be established and flourish, unmolested. Some of these beliefs have run counter to what we stand for, but at no time were the adherents limited, much less persecuted.
Today, in Egypt the Coptic Church is under attack from Moslems. There is shooting in the streets and in their churches, buildings are being ransacked and burned, people are being persecuted for their beliefs.
In Turkey, the Sudan, Saudi Arabia, The Gaza Strip, Iran and Indonesia, Christianity is an outlaw religion. Non Moslems are finding themselves in a "living hell" simply because of what they believe. Not what they're doing. What they think.
The Founder of Christianity suffered at the hands of religious bigotry. He ultimately gave His life for those who would follow Him.
The Founder of Islam slaughtered those who would not convert to his new religion. And built into his system the concept of jihad: the overt, aggressive defense of the faith, up to and including murder.
Christians are responsible for hospitals, orphanages, schools, the Y.M.C.A. and later the Y.W.C.A., along with individual rights for citizens, the exaltation of women and protection for children.
In Great Britain, the Minister of Parliament who labored for 20 years to abolish slavery, was a committed Christian, acting on his beliefs that all men are created equal.
In America, the Abolitionist Movement was started by and undergirded by Christians.
Christians live according to conscience and faith.
Moslems live according to law and the threat of flogging, mutilation and death.
Christians serve their Heavenly Father. A Father Who loves His children.
Islam serves a Master who's will is not always known but must be accepted.
The Christian is charged with loving God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. And to love others as they would themselves.
The Christian is commissioned to preach the Gospel to all nations. He is not taught, nor required to force anyone to accept his offer.
And when the Christian is attacked, he is not taught to retaliate in kind. When insulted he is to "turn the other cheek." When persecuted he is not to persecute in response. And if your neighbor sins against you, forgive him.
Where in the Koran, do you find similar teachings?
It is argued that under Mosaic Law an eye is required for an eye. This is a legal prescription for settling disputes in Israel. It is not a universal principle. It did not apply to Gentiles. And Jesus changed that, in the Sermon on The Mount, teaching that the righteous demands of God required something more noble: love your enemies, do good to them that despitefully use you.
This is a "Living Hell" I can live with!
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