Jim Wallis is CEO of Sojourners, a "Progressive Evangelical" organization with the purpose of articulating "the biblical call to social justice, inspiring hope and building a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church, and the world." [http://www.sojo.net]
Jim Wallis believes it was "hate speech" that contributed to the recent murder of Dr. Tiller, in Kansas, and the Security Guard at the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C.
He suggests Christians "shun" those who "propagate the hate speech that provides the framework of justification for these heinous acts. It is time to publically (sic) walk away from those who are committing these kinds of social sins and encourage others to do the same."
What he's talking about are those Christians, and others, who say abortion is murder. You see it's this kind of narrow, judgmental opinion that feeds the hate we see expressed in these murders and elsewhere...Wallis says.
Jim Wallis is an ordained minister of the Gospel. He is President Obama's spiritual advisor. He is invited to speak in Churches and at religious meetings and Christian colleges and seminaries. Jim Wallis is the darling of the political Left.
Jim Wallis is also an admitted Socialist and Communist. He was part of the radical Students for a Democratic Society, in the 1960's. He preaches that Christians should drop the typical conservative issues of abortion and same-sex marriage, and embrace poverty, AIDS and global warming.
The evangelicalism Jim Wallis envisions is indistinguishable from the secular Left. And he actively challenges Christians of all traditions to transform the culture through social activism and progressive policy. Jim Wallis does not understand The Word of God!
Problem? The Bible challenges Christians to transform the culture by means of the Gospel, not conform to it. We are not to embrace it. We are not to bring it into our churches, let alone our homes.
Who's winning? Look around. On the immediate side, the Jim Wallis' of this world are gaining in popularity and power. Dominion Theology, Kingdom Now Theology, popular Evangelicalsim, Replacement Theology, the Contemporary Christian Movement and a host of lessor philosophies are pushing The Church toward capturing the culture for Christ.
Problem? The Bible says, very clearly, that sin will reign on earth until Jesus comes. His coming is as The King of Kings! No political or social construct can or will succeed until Jesus destroys the current structure and establishes His Kingdom on earth.
Until then, those of us who actually believe The Bible will come under increasing pressure to keep quiet, get in line and stop preaching an exclusive Gospel message.
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