Monday, December 1, 2008

The Wave of The Future

A recent Associated Press report indicates that 64% of U.S. High School students had cheated on a test, 36% had used the internet to plagiarize an assignment and 83% had lied to a parent about something significant.
The results of this study are not as shocking as the response by Educators who questioned any suggestion that today's young people are less honest than previous generations.
They pointed to the intensified pressures on young people today, prompting them to cut corners. "The competition is greater, the pressures on kids have increased dramatically," said Mel Riddle of the National Association of Secondary School Principals. "They have opportunities [to cheat] their predecessors didn't. The temptation is greater."
Children lying or cheating is nothing new. But the percentages are huge!
Where does all this come from? Is it simply a matter of increased opportunity?
Or is there something more basic going on?

I would suggest to you that this is the direct result of two factors:
1. the elimination of objective morality from our social system
2. the mental health community's 70-year effort to blame circumstances for our problems.

If I am simply a highly evolved animal, shaped by my environment and answerable only to my own value system, why would I do anything that did not benefit me right here and right now?
On the other hand, if I am a divinely created person, shaped by my perceptions of that reality and accountable to an objective, unchanging moral code, why would I give in to the temptation to gratify the immediate need? Especially if the temptation is to violate that moral code?
Educators don't "get it." The Mental Health Community doesn't "get it." Social Architects don't "get it." And, sadly, too many preachers don't "get it."
A society operating according to it's own moral standard is destined for moral decline. Children lying and cheating is only the tip of the ice berg.
"Victims" never accept responsibility for their condition nor their responses.
So, strap yourself in! It's going to be a very bumpy ride when this crop of morally-challenged young people start affecting our world!

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